Currently Browsing: Jews & Sex 6 articles

jews and sex intro featured

Jews & Sex

In 2008, my book, Jews & Sex was published. It reflected on the relationship between Jews and issues of sex and sexuality, opening up what Keith Kahn-Harris called ‘the hidden worlds of Jews and sex’. This included essays on lesbian Yiddish poetry, Jews in the porn industry, representations of Jews and sex in the work […]

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Manchester’s King of Glamour and Strip

In the second part of our series on Jews & Sex, Sue Fox reminisces about her Uncle Arthur and his striptease business. My uncle Arthur Fox died in 1970. Mancunians of a certain age might remember his name. He owned The Revue Bar in George Street. I don’t know where George Street was or even if it still exists.   Uncle Arthur was the (very non-PC) black sheep […]

marie stopes featured

Marie Stopes, Eugenics and the Jews

In the third instalment of our series on Jews & Sex, Nathan Abrams considers the darker side of the work of the feminist pioneer and her relationship to Jews. Dr. Marie Stopes (1880-1958) is best remembered as a feminist and a birth control pioneer.  As the most forceful sexual revolutionary of her age, as well as […]

featured On Jewish communal sex-that-is-not-sex

On Jewish communal sex-that-is-not-sex

Continuing our series, Keith Kahn-Harris revisits Jews & Sex from a more sociological standpoint. Featured image: The Naughty Jewish Boys Calendar In 2018, American Jewry became embroiled in the then-current ‘#MeToo’ movement when multiple allegations of sexual harassment by the prominent sociologist of Jewish life Steven M. Cohen were made public. Cohen did not contest […]

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Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic…

Will it be possible to update this homage to consumerism that was originally set amongst an incredibly narrow and privileged New York social elite?

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Sexual Fantasy and Antisemitism

In a continuation of our series on Jews & Sex, Aidan Joseph Beatty argues how antisemitism is often a deeply pleasurable, even erotic, experience for the antisemite. In January 1904, a relatively young Irish Catholic priest named John Creagh began a campaign of intimidation against the small Jewish community in Limerick. Using his religious pulpit, […]

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