Currently Browsing: Rachel Garfield 2 articles

Rachel Garfield is Professor of Fine Art at the University of Reading.
22 featured art 1

Sex and Feminist Jewish Art

Continuing our series on Jews & Sex, Rachel Garfield discusses feminist art. In 2006, in her book Jewish Identities in American Feminist Art: Ghosts of Ethnicity, Lisa Bloom explored the relationship between art by second-wave American feminist artists and the elided Jewishness of many of those artists.   The journey to the explicitly articulated Jewishness of a new generation of artists in […]


Jewish Art: Where Are You?

The UK is slowly emerging from lockdown and people can see art again. From last week, museums and galleries reopened for visitors. This may not be news for everyone, but art is my love, as well as my profession. Not being able to go to galleries has been a deprivation. I feel starved of the art of others.    There has been much art on the internet – […]

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