Currently Browsing: Labour Party 6 articles

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But who’s counting?

Daniel Randall critically responds to David Baddiel’s documentary “Jews Don’t Count”.  Jeremy Corbyn defending a mural explicitly intended, according to its creator, to demonise Jewish financiers; antisemitic memes peddling conspiracies about “Rothschilds” approvingly circulated in left-wing social media spaces; Adbusters magazine, seen by many as having sparked the Occupy movement, asking in editorials “why won’t […]

A left response featured

A left response to left antisemitism: Is it too late for education?

Two recently-published books try and educate the left against antisemitism. Will they succeed?


The EHRC report shows that anti-racist solidarity, not special protection, is the way forward

Yair Wallach reflects on the EHRC report on antisemitism in the Labour Party published last week. The EHRC report on antisemitism in the Labour Party, published last week, is a damning conclusion on Labour’s failure to deal with antisemitism. The Equality and Human Rights Commission found that the Labour Party, through its agents, was guilty […]


Poor Jeremy

Dan Jacobs does not feel sorry for Jeremy Corbyn. Poor Jeremy, he is being hung out to dry. Why? Because he defended himself against those Jews, sorry, I mean Zionists.   The EHRC decided Labour under his leadership broke the law in being discriminatory against Jews.  Sure, maybe, but it’s not his fault.  He was just the leader.   What […]

featured left out reflection

The problem of love in Corbyn’s Labour Party: Reflections on Left Out

How Gabriel Pogrund and Patrick Maguire’s ‘Left Out’ shows how love was always a greater problem than hate in Corbyn’s Labour Party


Labour is Cleaning House, the Tories Must, Too.

Barnaby Marder explains why if the Labour Party is tackling antisemitism, we have a right to expect the same from the Conservatives. In the Jewish Chronicle last week (August 12, 2020) Lee Harpin wrote a puzzling article about how leading Conservatives were ‘baffled over signs of Jewish support for Labour’.   Quite apart from the fact that the article seems suspiciously like a non-story, it implies […]

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